Increase NEAT
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NEAT is non-exercise activity thermogenesis. This is a fancy way of describing the energy we expend by doing daily tasks like yard projects, tasks at work, and even fidgeting.
NEAT's role in supporting a healthy life is more impactful than one might think. Being more active, in general, helps reduce the amount of time spent in sedentary activities (sitting, lying down, etc.) which is known to have an increased risk of chronic illness.
There is such a variance in NEAT from person to person based on lifestyle and work demands, and having an "ideal" amount is hard to pinpoint. Finding a level of this type of activity that feels best to you and your goals will be the most helpful in your success.
The goal of this challenge is to increase our NEAT.
Here are some ideas for increasing NEAT:
*set a time and get up and move around every hour
*walk or ride a bike to locations you typically drive to
*park a block away or at the end of the parking lot
*walk around the playground or sporting event while your child is playing
*do five squats every time you use the washroom
*do counter top pushups while the coffee brews or the water boils
*take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator
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January 29, 2023
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