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Reconnect To Your Hunger Cues!

Public·10 members


I have a confession to make. I have not planned my meals at the start of every day. I have not tracked my before-and-after hunger levels after every meal. But what I have done is kept going.

The key to not quitting is to keep going, even if that means starting over today or starting today for the first time.

There’s not much difference between the person who keeps going and the person who quits. Both mess up. But the person that finds success keeps going, keeps starting over. The person that allows unhelpful thoughts to tell them they can’t do this or that it's too late to start is the unsuccessful person.

Nobody is perfect. There are no unicorns who have it easier. People in all kinds of circumstances choose to keep going. They also choose to be compassionate to themselves when they mess up. They choose not to make it a big deal when they have a bad weekend, a bad week, or even a bad month. They just keep going.

Comment below if you are willing to keep going, start over and start for the first time today!

Comment below if you are willing to keep going, start over and start for the first time today!


Listening to your internal cues will help you shift from ext...


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