Goals, data points and strategies can have lot of overlap.
For example:
Goal: be more hydrated
Data Point: average oz of hydrate per day
Strategy: drink more water or other hydrated beverages
Goals should be personal.
When it comes to weight loss, multiple goals are better than one.
So rather than the single goal to lose weight, consider
Lose weight
Have more energy
Feel better in my clothes
Gain confidence in my ability to lose weight and keep it off
Goals can and should evolve and change.
The four goals above might change to:
See more muscle definition in my body
Get better sleep
Feel comfortable in a swimsuit
Practice consistently
Goal ideas
Consistently sleep between 7-9 hours a night
Drink more water
Eat more plants
Eat to pleasantly full most of the time and overly full infrequently
Engage in any activity I want to without worrying about how I look
Exercise more often without it being a struggle for time or motivation
Feel better in my clothes
Feel fine in a swimsuit
Feel more in control of how I spend my time
Find a healthy consistency with my eating and my weight (no more yo-yo dieting)
Get stronger
Have more energy
Improve my digestion
Improve the appearance of my skin
Increase my optimism and confidence about my ability to make changes and lose weight.
Keep going even when things get hard and learn how to shift so I can make things easier when needed
Let go of the food struggle
Lose fat but not muscle
Maintain my results with minimal effort or thought
Maintain or increase the muscle in my body
Move more during the activities I already do
Practice consistency
Reduce stress
Reduce waist circumference
Respond to boredom or stress with something other than food most of the time
See more muscle definition in my body
Stay connected to this group and my other support systems consistently, even when I’m struggling
Think less about food and my weight
Choose a few goals. Put them somewhere you can see them. And practice strategies to achieve them.