Introducing Jeanie Faue
Jeanie is a young grandmother living in Minnesota with her husband. She wanted to lose weight and was inspired by Julie's success the year before. She started with no goal because she didn't want to set herself up for failure, but as the weeks passed, she gained confidence in her ability to succeed, so she decided to set her first goal at losing 10 lbs. She achieved that before the program ended!
Jeanie's History & the Problem She Wanted To Solve
Jeanie had never participated in a group weight loss program and thought many weight loss strategies she knew about didn't sound appealing. She was also reluctant to try for fear of failure. However, she noticed her weight was creeping up and wanted to find a solution.
Why Jeanie Chose The Strategy Matrix Method Program
Jeanie has attended Julie's fitness classes since 2017, so she already knows, likes, and trusts her. She found The Strategy Matrix Program's flexibility and personalized approach appealing because it offers many strategies she could mix and match and doesn't require her to do anything she didn’t want to do.
How The Strategy Matrix Method Helped Jeanie
Because of the program's experimental approach, Jeanie felt comfortable trying strategies even if she didn't think they would work for her. She understood that a key part of the program is to drop strategies that hinder her ability to enjoy her life. Knowing this made her feel more comfortable trying strategies she didn’t think would work. To her surprise, some strategies she tried were much easier or more enjoyable than expected. But she was able to drop the ones that weren’t, with no bad feelings.
For example, she thought she'd never use an app to track her food intake. Still, she decided to "experiment" with the one Julie recommended. She not only found it helpful but also enjoyed it.
Jeanie thought she'd NEVER take photos of herself in workout clothes, but she decided to do it at the beginning, and she's so glad she did so that she could see the difference in how she looked from program start to program end.
Jeanie fully embraced the "Think Like A Scientist" approach. She experimented with many of the program's strategies, continuing with those she found effective and relatively easy and dropping the ones she didn’t.
Here's her list of strategies that worked for her:
Planning with precision, executing with flexibility
Staying curious rather than judgmental
Taking imperfect action
Viewing the scale simply as a source of data
Recognizing tantrums and tricks
Using the 80% full method and the hand portion methods
Drinking more water
Eating more mindfully – putting her fork down between meals
Getting more steps each day
Lifting weights – "We are not over fat; we are under-muscled."
Planning food in the morning Prioritizing protein & fiber
Staying connected to the group
Regularly reading and commenting on the lessons
Using an app to log food
Jeanie's Results
Jeanie's weight loss was not a straight line. At first, she lost some, gained some, and maintained some. Many strategies she practiced helped her move forward through these ups and downs. Then, she slowly started to lose consistently. She saw a reduction in the “spare tire” around her middle, felt more comfortable in her clothes, and could see more muscle tone in her body.
In one of her updates, she said, "My future eating habits will be changed forever."
You Can Be Like Jeanie!
If you think this program could be a great fit for you, you can use the link below to sign up for the next program. We kick off on February 18, but you can start reviewing the material in the online course as soon as you purchase and even do your soft start if you want to.
If you are intrigued but not ready to commit, sign up for the mailing list. In doing so, you will get a free guide I offer that will allow you to explore my approach further.
