I encourage you to choose a single word to guide you this year. This word will help you make decisions and stay focused on what matters to you.
Build Your Word List
Begin brainstorming and writing words. Use a notebook or the space below for you to write.
Here are some questions you can ask yourself to help generate your word list.
What went well during the last year? Is there something you’d like to build on?
What could have gone better during the last year? What would you like to go better this year?
What do you want and need for yourself? Tip: Focus on what you want, not what you or someone else thinks you should need and want.
How would you like your life to improve? Tip: Focus more on life improvement than self-improvement
How do you want to evolve as a person? Tip: Focus on want, not should.
What are your hopes and dreams?
Continue adding words that come to mind. Write as many as you want. Your words can be nouns, verbs, or adjectives. See the alphabetical list of verbs below for more ideas. Tips: Be true to yourself. You want your word to represent your unique needs and desires. Remind yourself that it doesn’t have to be perfect.
Adore, Advocate, Appreciate, Awaken, Balance, Believe, Breathe, Challenge, Comfort, Connect, Create, Discover, Diversify, Dream, Ease, Elevate, Empathize, Empower, Encourage, Engage, Evolve, Explore, Flourish, Focus, Forgive, Foster, Free, Grow, Harmonize, Heal, Illuminate, Innovate, Inspire, Learn, Love, Nurture, Overcome, Persevere, Preserve, Reflect, Rejoice, Renew, Resile (verb for resilience), Resolve, Rest, Restore, Simplify, Support, Sustain, Thrive, Transform, Unite, Venture.
Refine your List to One Word
Begin crossing off words you know aren’t the best for you.
If you have trouble getting to just one word, here are some tips
Look up the definition of a word you are considering. Learn about its origin, synonyms, and antonyms.
Use a search engine to compare two words you are considering to see if one is a better match than another. Ex. Compare “Flourish” to “Thrive.”
If you get stuck, take a break and return later.
Take as much time as you need, but choose your single word eventually. Write some thoughts about how you hope the word will guide you in different areas of your life and relationships. Put this somewhere for reference.
How do I hope this word will guide me?
Put Your Word of the Year Into Practice
Keep your word front and center so you will see it often. You want your word to guide and support you throughout the year.
Post in several places - your mirror, in your car, at your computer, and wherever else it will often appear in front of you.
Consider having a bracelet made with your word or finding a picture that reminds you of your word and using it as screen wallpaper.
Refer to your word when you are having trouble making a decision, large or small. Refer to your word when you feel you are lacking focus.
Change your word anytime during the year if you feel that’s best for you.
I would love it if you would share your word with me. Please share it in the comments or email it to julie@zoyoga.com or text it to 612-210-6981.
Happy New Year Julie. I am not big on New Year’s Resolutions, but this seems a bit different. I actually wrote down 12 words from the list. I thought to myself wow! Cool! I can focus on a new word every month. Which I still may do, however, I keep going back to “connections”. This word is so valuable to me as I stay focused on staying connected to family and friends near and far. Don’t put off that phone call or card or visit as time may be stolen from you.